The Barn Outdoor Pursuits Association

Woodlands Centre

Low cost, self catering accommodation in Betws-y-Coed


Individual rates

These rates are for groups or individuals not wanting to book the whole centre. All prices shown are for self catering only and include hire of bed linen, heating, electricity and VAT.

Price per person / per night
Youth (under 18s)£7.26£8.32£9.31
Youth leader£16.11£17.17£18.16

*A stay that includes both mid-week & week-end days.

Group rates

These rates are for the sole use of the whole centre per night and the prices in brackets are member rates. For more information about our group rates please contact the booking office.

Group typePrice per night
Groups organised for youth activities£224.16
Groups organised for youth activities from Staffordshire£224.16
Adult only groups£536.90
Contact us.. Please contact us by email at